love district

High:Fiv5 Interview mit Love District

Chris Pounders, Alex James, Anthony Jewett und Kenny James aus San Jose,  sind die Band Love District. Im Juni erschien ihre Single ‚Feels like Home‘. Ein vergessener Sound einer neuen Generation wie sie selbst von sich sagen. In diesem kurzen Interview erzählen sie uns unter anderem mehr über ihren Song ‚Feels like Home‘.


“Feels Like Home” is about life in a dense city where you feel alone and at home at the same time.



Sich in einer Stadt gleichzeitig alleine und Zuhause fühlen, ich glaube dieses Gefühl kennen einige von uns.In  Feels like Home, kommt es jedenfalls gut rüber.



1.) How did you get to know each other? Tell us how Love District started.

Chris Pounders: Me and Alex met each other while working at Guitar Center back in 2012, and started writing music together after work. The focus was on writing music inspired by late ‘70s/’80s Post Punk bands, but in a new way.  Eventually we were ready to record a full length album in a short time. 


2.) What is your funniest moment that happened to you at a festival gig?

Alex James: Not that funny, but fun to look back on. We had a three-hour set lined up for a big gig that our drummer at the time cancelled at the last minute. Our friend, Kenny, offered to do the gig and we had to rehearse five days straight to learn our set. We jumped him in the band pretty much and hashed out all the songs. The gig was a success and Kenny became our drummer.


3.) Which real-life moment inspired you to your song „Feels like home“? When do you feel at Home?

Chris Pounders: “Feels Like Home” is about life in a dense city where you feel alone and at home at the same time. It’s about how we can forget the important things in life amidst the constant distractions in our lives. It’s a song that dives into the deeper meaning of the name of our band. We feel at home the most when we are on stage playing music and the energy of a live crowd, and in the studio recording music.  


4.) Give us a few words about the cover of „Feels like home“. Looks pretty gloomy. What is the idea behind it?

Chris Pounders: It’s a drawing of an old abandoned living room. We wanted a dark theme. The home is a mess and the rope and chair represents a feeling of darkness and isolation. The books and the broken mirror represent the internal struggle, while the crow represents change and transformation. It was drawn by Alexandria Lyall.


5.) What’s next for you guys? Can you give us a little insight?

Alex James: We are planning on releasing the next single soon, in about a month. This will be part of our upcoming EP release that will feature six songs total. 

Chris Pounders: We plan on releasing the EP by the end of the year with a music video accompaniment. We are excited to get back together as a band and start playing live shows as soon as we can.


Mehr Infos zu Love District findet ihr hier:
