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MYOSOTIS melden sich nach zwei Jahren mit einem neuen Song zurück!

Die Hamburger Band „Myosotis“ releasten am 17.07.2020 ihre Single „What If…“ über Blood Blast Distribution und melden sich damit nach zwei Jahren wieder musikalisch zurück. Der Track wurde von Christoph Wieczorek (Annisokay) gemischt und gemastert.

Im Song werden Themen wie Ängste & Depressionen in Form eines „Passagiers“ behandelt. Die dunkle Seite in Jemanden, die Einen runterzieht und gleichzeitig freilässt. Die Frage über Leben, Tod und Verlangen werden hier musikalisch und stimmungsvoll rübergebracht. Eingängige Gesangsmelodien und Rappassagen, machen den Song zu einem echten Ohrwurm. Das Musikvideo wurde von Chrisoph Jordan gedreht und die Stimmung wirkungsvoll in Bildern dargestellt.

Wer sind Myosotis?

Vocals: Kilian Harrsen
Vocals: Timo Hazerli
Guitars: Max Mäder
Guitars: Calvin Rösicke
Bass: Thomas Grigo
Drums: Julian Seiler

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All my demons gonna pull me down to the gates of hell.

My inner ocean, where the dead ships dwell.

The waves are coming in, washing away my sin.

It feels like I am a stranger under my skin.

Every look in the mirror reflects my former decision.

I am stuck in circles which are now forming my prison.

I keep running and running but I won’t reach the end.

My mistakes revolve around me like a vulture till I’m dead.

They came knocking at my door but

I won’t let them in

until the time has come and

then I will follow them into the light.

It will be the day that I die, I let them in on the day that I die.

I am alive, after all this pain I faced.

After all those darkened days,

I know what I could have become, what I could have done.

Don’t let me go! I can not hold it anymore.

The pain is way too hard to take,

for each and every smile I fake.

I got something in my head.

I call it my dark passenger.

It gives me the strength to do something I thought I never could by having the presence of death around me.

The only thought of dying gives me that last bit of energy, over and over again.

And I’m kinda addicted to it ‚cause it won’t let me down.

There is no way out, I know what I need to do.

I want strength but the answer for that still is you.

So Please come in, set me free, show me how you feel.

Please come in and show me how you make me feel.

I am alive, after all this pain I faced.

After all those darkened days,

I know what I could have become, what I could have done.

Don’t let me go! I can not hold it anymore.

The pain is way too hard to take,

for each and every smile I fake.

All my Demons are crawling to my chest.

I can hear them waiting for me to show.

All my demons are rising to my head. I can see them grow.

I´m addicted to give all my problems different names,

to search for victims,

who play my sad and sadistic games.

I´m addicted to the things which make me be disturbed,

to all the rules, all the pain which makes me feel again.

I´m addicted, I´m addicted, I´m addicted

to my demons negativity.

I´m addicted, I´m addicted, I´m addicted

to the demons which let me be free.

But I am trapped in something that´s called paradise.

So beautiful but full of lies.

I’m trapped in a Paradox called paradise,

the view is beautiful but of lies.

Believe me, I’ve got something to tell about the paralyzed feeling to feel nothing at all.

I have this feeling, that there is something that I, I really can not deny…

I have this feeling, that there is nothing that I can do to save me tonight.

I have this feeling, that there is nothing that I can do to save me tonight.

Video by: Chris Jordan at VVA Digital

Mixed & Mastered by Christoph Wieczorek at Sawdust Recordings

Written & Recorded by MYOSOTIS

 Mehr über Myosotis:

Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/myosotis_of…

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/WeAreMyosotis

Twitter – https://twitter.com/WeAreMyosotis

Merch: https://myosotisofficial.bigcartel.com

Website – http://myosotis-band.com